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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Samsung Unveils 64GB Flash Memory Chip

By combining a total of 16 separate 64Gb flash devices, businesses can create a 128GB flash storage device capable of holding up to 80 DVD movies or 32,000 MP3 music files. - Brian Fonseca, Computerworld

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Wednesday announced that it has built a 64Gbit NAND flash memory chip.

The new flash storage device utilizes 30-nanometer processing technology and was developed using Samsung's self-aligned double patterning technology (SaDPT), said Samsung officials.

The company said it plans to start manufacturing 30-nanometer 64Gb NAND flash devices during 2009. Samsung has already applied for as many as 30 patents for the new flash memory chip, officials said in a statement.

By combining a total of 16 separate 64Gb flash devices, businesses can create a 128GB flash storage device capable of holding up to 80 DVD movies or 32,000 MP3 music files, noted Samsung.

While some analysts have forecasted of somewhat sluggish NAND demand in 2007-2008, Gartner Inc has predicted that sales of 64Gb NAND flash and other higher density flash storage devices could reach US$20 billion by 2011.

Samsung said that its new double-pattern technology creates a wider-spaced circuit design of the target process in the first pattern transfer, and fills in the spaced area more closely with its second pattern transfer on the chip.

Samsung said it has also designed and constructed a 32Gb NAND flash storage chip using the same technology as its new 64Gb offering.

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