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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Vista install in 2 minutes

Bill Gates Blue Screen of Death

Bill Gates' Keynote on Windows Vista Launch

Bill Gates Introducing Microsoft Windows Vista on BBC News

Samsung Unveils 64GB Flash Memory Chip

By combining a total of 16 separate 64Gb flash devices, businesses can create a 128GB flash storage device capable of holding up to 80 DVD movies or 32,000 MP3 music files. - Brian Fonseca, Computerworld

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Wednesday announced that it has built a 64Gbit NAND flash memory chip.

The new flash storage device utilizes 30-nanometer processing technology and was developed using Samsung's self-aligned double patterning technology (SaDPT), said Samsung officials.

The company said it plans to start manufacturing 30-nanometer 64Gb NAND flash devices during 2009. Samsung has already applied for as many as 30 patents for the new flash memory chip, officials said in a statement.

By combining a total of 16 separate 64Gb flash devices, businesses can create a 128GB flash storage device capable of holding up to 80 DVD movies or 32,000 MP3 music files, noted Samsung.

While some analysts have forecasted of somewhat sluggish NAND demand in 2007-2008, Gartner Inc has predicted that sales of 64Gb NAND flash and other higher density flash storage devices could reach US$20 billion by 2011.

Samsung said that its new double-pattern technology creates a wider-spaced circuit design of the target process in the first pattern transfer, and fills in the spaced area more closely with its second pattern transfer on the chip.

Samsung said it has also designed and constructed a 32Gb NAND flash storage chip using the same technology as its new 64Gb offering.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Microsoft NEW Technology Microsoft Surface

Coolest Imaging and Social Technology EVER!

Discovery channel : Greatest Ever Motorcycle ,the legend of Honda super cub (after 47years)


stealth air fighting ( climax dog fight )

F-35 Lightning II Flight Testing as of May 4, 2007
DISCOVERY CHANNEL ( an all in one fighter - 40Mil price tag )


part 2:

part 3:

part 4 :

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tackling The Hackers face to face

Tackling the hackers face-to-face
By Mark Ward Technology Correspondent, BBC News website

Increasingly hackers use their skills to steal moneyI'm lurking on IRC - Internet Relay Chat - the place where lots of net users go to talk via typed text on any and every conceivable topic.
But instead of talking about games, last night's big match or MP3s, I'm on channels with names like cc-visa, ccfull, ccpower and trade-cc.
I'm in bandit country.
The "cc" stands for "credit cards" and these are the virtual markets where thousands of stolen numbers are bought and sold all day, every day.
Card games
In most busy IRC discussion rooms, or channels, the threads of conversations are hard to follow because the typed text flies by so fast. It's like going to a party and being told you can only chat to other people by texting them on your mobile phone.
But in the channels I've joined there is no idle banter, flaming or anyone passing the time of day. It's all business, all the time.
The channels are full of adverts touting stolen goods (credit card numbers), ways to launder the cash extracted from cards and accounts or offering the other services the dedicated cyber criminal needs.
There are 10.000 + users here, they trade the illegal stuff, NO ONE touches them
Hi-tech crime: A glossary The adverts use jargon that is opaque to anyone who has not been hanging out here for some time.
The jargon reveals how the hi-tech crime world is divided. Typically those involved in net crime do one thing well. Some plunder web shop databases and steal credit card numbers. Some hack business networks so they can be used by spammers. Some are phishers who send out e-mail trying to fool people into handing over their banking details. Others have the bank accounts to help people move cash without being caught.
The hackers lack the skills to do anything with the data they steal and the old-time criminals lack the technical skills to get the data. This is where they meet.
I came across Ess4 hawking login data for the web shops he has hacked, the credit card numbers he has plundered from those sites and a how-to-guide that shows others how to do it.
He said: "i got many shops + tons of daily orders. i hack a shop in 3-4 hours and sell it for 100-500$."
He thanked "stupid admins" for making basic mistakes that let him break in.
Roze, one experienced hand and a spammer, said he exploited "human stupidity" rather than poor security.
He said: "That costs them money :)) i know is not fair .. but it`s the way we make money."

Hackers who gather data via spam or phish need somewhere to sell itAnd, he said, when he was not relying on stupidity, he had a cadre of smart hackers working for him to break into networks. Curiously, most of these people were from Romania - a country that comes up again and again on these channels.
He said: "romanian guys are very smart. All the time they come with something new ;) they are the best hackers on earth i think."
Arrest record
These channels on IRC, and in many other places much harder to find, are where the deals are struck. It is where the spammer meets the botmaster or the credit card thief meets the money launderer.
And no one here has any fear of being caught. As one person calling himself Beelze put it: "it is not illegal to be in on an irc server. As well the law does not seem to care about it."
"There are 10.000 + users here, they trade the illegal stuff, NO ONE touches them," he said. "These are bank robberies, prolly in the top 100 biggest ever."
Stano, who I met in one very busy channel, said: "It is very difficult for them to find us, and even if they do, they have no evidence. So ... they go away :)"
He got started as a criminal staging fake ebay auctions and now he's a spammer.
"now I have made some investments ... and I can live the rest of my life with the money I make without spamming and so on ..but now it is in my Blood," he said.
Use anti-spyware and anti-virus programs
On at least a weekly basis update anti-virus and spyware products
Install a firewall and make sure it is switched on
Make sure updates to your operating system are installed
Take time to educate yourself and family about the risks
Monitor your computer and stay alert to threatsIRC encourages people to use nicknames and in the card trade channels these change on a regular, often daily, basis. To further hide themselves users join the channel via a machine a long way from their physical location. Look up their net address and you find information about a PC sitting on the domestic network of one of the bigger ISPs - more than likely a bot.
Little communication is done in the channel itself - most happens via private messages sent directly between people.
The big problem that these criminals face is not the police but each other and they are in constant fear of being ripped off by their brethren. There is little honour among these thieves.
For instance, every now and again someone will supply links to software useful to criminals. Programs can be found that crack ebay accounts, that help plan a spam run or supply background information about credit cards if you only have the number.
The vast majority of these programs are booby-trapped with viruses that try to steal the information passing through them.
This lack of trust is widespread. Beelze, who rents networks to scammers, lamented the fact that he had no way to check the reputation of those buying services.
Many pay via cracked Paypal accounts and when the real owner of the account kicks up a fuss the money is taken back. Leaving people like Beelze out of pocket.
Beelze said: "The scammer will still have its service or at least, had, up to the time it got refunded." He said he was losing thousands of euros a month this way. Those with the cracked accounts do not care because they can just use another one. Some have many thousands of cracked accounts.
"Paypal is practicly the most used by criminals," he said.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The SMART TUNNNEL ( Malaysia )

The SMART TUNNNEL ( Malaysia )

SMART tunnel preview (MALAYSIA) , passing through

iPhone vs. Windows Mobile

iPhone vs. Windows Mobile

Fancy A PRADA Phone ? :)

Preview Prada Phone LG KE850

Friday, August 31, 2007

Are telco towers a danger?

Are telco towers a danger?

In.Tech examines the truth behind the alleged dangers posed by cellular telecommunications towers.

Are you worried that the telecommunication tower that's standing proud behind your house could be slowly frying your brains?

The good news is that you don't have to, according to Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik.

"As a doctor, I can tell you that there is no scientific proof that the (radio) airwaves are harmful," he said.

Lim was quoting a report by the WHO (World Health Organisation) about the health effects of electromagnetic waves on humans.

According to him, the country needs more communications towers to support wireless broadband technologies like 3G and for future ones such as WiMAX.

"The problem is that the elections are coming so you have politicians who want to appear as saviours.

"When people complain about towers being too close to their houses, these politicians do their best to help take them down," he said.

"But when we take down the towers, people then complain that they have poor reception.

"So stop taking down the towers. There's no evidence that they are harmful."

The WHO fact sheet

Following the Minister's comments, In.Tech visited the WHO's website and found a fact sheet that supports Lim's claims and provides some rather interesting information too (

For starters, a recent survey shows that the RF (radio frequency) exposures from base stations range between 0.002% and 2% of the levels of the international exposure guidelines, which is much lower than the RF exposure from radio and television broadcast transmitters.

The WHO fact sheet also states that RF exposures from base stations and wireless technologies in publicly accessible areas (including schools and hospitals) are normally thousands of times below international standards.

TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT?: If you find that the telco towers are too close to your house, you can always complain about it. Just don't expect your mobile phone reception to be as good as before.
This is because the RF fields are strongest at their source (their antennae) and quickly diminish with distance.

In fact, due to their lower frequencies, the human body absorbs five times more of the signal from FM radio and television transmitters than from telco towers.

The fact sheet then points out that although FM radio and television broadcast stations have been in service for more than 50 years, no adverse health consequences have been established.

So there you have it – there's no reason to worry about telco towers close to your home.

How about Housing Guidelines?

The Housing and Local Government Ministry has guidelines on the building of telecommunications towers which specifies the minimum distance of towers (of various heights) from industrial, commercial and residential buildings.

While it's easy to assume that the guidelines are to protect people from radiation or electromagnetic emissions, it is not the case.

The guidelines state clearly that these minimum distances are only for the sake of aesthetics and for the physical safety of the buildings' occupants (i.e. should something fall off the tower).

The guidelines then specifically state that the minimum distances have nothing to do with RF emission levels.

A PDF copy of the guidelines can be downloaded from the Ministry's website (, though it's only available in Bahasa Malaysia.

Do take note that the information from these guidelines and from the WHO fact sheet only apply to telecommunication towers and not other possible hazards such as high-tension electric cables.

If you find that the telco towers are too close to your house and are unsightly, you can always complain about it. Just don't expect your mobile phone reception to be as good as before.

Speed up shutdown times of WINDOWS

It's not only start-up that you'd like to speed up; you can also make sure that your system shuts down faster. If shutting down XP takes what seems to be an inordinate amount of time, here are a couple of steps you can take to speed up the shutdown process:
  • Don't have XP clear your paging file at shutdown. For security reasons, you can have XP clear your paging file (pagefile.sys) of its contents whenever you shut down. Your paging file is used to store temporary files and data, but when your system shuts down, information stays in the file. Some people prefer to have the paging file cleared at shutdown because sensitive information such as unencrypted passwords sometimes ends up in the file. However, clearing the paging file can slow shutdown times significantly, so if extreme security isn't a high priority, you might not want to clear it. To shut down XP without clearing your paging file, run the Registry Editor (click Start > Run, then type regedit in the Run box) and go to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

  • Change the value of ClearPageFileAtShutdown to 0. Close the Registry, and restart your computer. Whenever you turn off XP from now on, the paging file won't be cleared, and you should be able to shut down more quickly.

    Note: Please be careful when editing the Registry; you can do a lot of damage here. Don't change or delete anything unless you know exactly what it is.

Dropped, frozen and fried, 'Victum' survives

August 24, 2007 12:26 PM PDT
(Credit: Acturion Datasys)

From Bavaria here's a new, "ruggedized" military-spec notebook PC with a keyboard that converts to a touch-screen, tablet PC in seconds by flipping the display 180 degrees and pressing down.

The magnesium alloy housing (4.85 pounds with battery) is completely sealed making it splash-proof, according to Acturion Datasys. (Even the integrated speaker is waterproof.) Since there are no fans, processor heat is distributed directly to the housing, which doubles as radiator.

Two models are available--the Victum-Note V10 (10.4-inch XGA display) and the Victum-Note V12 (WXGA 12.1-inch). Both come with sunlight-readable displays and work off a Intel Core Dual Processor Yonah U2500.

Options include Bluetooth, built-in 1.3MP CCD camera, GPS receiver for satellite navigation and a couple of different modems. Windows XP Pro or Windows Vista comes pre-installed. Linux should be available soon, according to the company. To qualify for military standard certification a PC must undergo temperature testing (minus-4 Fahrenheit to 131 Fahrenheit), plus withstand a 3-foot drop onto a concrete slab and continue to drive on.

Is it too late to do something about that name? Who wants to Farfegnugen a Victum around the battlefield.

Dropped, frozen and fried, 'Victum' survives

August 24, 2007 12:26 PM PDT
(Credit: Acturion Datasys)

From Bavaria here's a new, "ruggedized" military-spec notebook PC with a keyboard that converts to a touch-screen, tablet PC in seconds by flipping the display 180 degrees and pressing down.

The magnesium alloy housing (4.85 pounds with battery) is completely sealed making it splash-proof, according to Acturion Datasys. (Even the integrated speaker is waterproof.) Since there are no fans, processor heat is distributed directly to the housing, which doubles as radiator.

Two models are available--the Victum-Note V10 (10.4-inch XGA display) and the Victum-Note V12 (WXGA 12.1-inch). Both come with sunlight-readable displays and work off a Intel Core Dual Processor Yonah U2500.

Options include Bluetooth, built-in 1.3MP CCD camera, GPS receiver for satellite navigation and a couple of different modems. Windows XP Pro or Windows Vista comes pre-installed. Linux should be available soon, according to the company. To qualify for military standard certification a PC must undergo temperature testing (minus-4 Fahrenheit to 131 Fahrenheit), plus withstand a 3-foot drop onto a concrete slab and continue to drive on.

Is it too late to do something about that name? Who wants to Farfegnugen a Victum around the battlefield.